Stay Safe
In the Residence Hall
It is against policy for students to leave their doors unlocked for any period of time that they are not present in the room or to prop external doors open. It is suggested that students purchase property insurance from National Student Services. Students must report all suspicious activities to their Resident Assistant, Hall Directors, or Campus Safety. You have the right to request identification from any officer entering into your space and are encouraged to utilize the peephole before answering your door; if in doubt call campus safety at 404-504-1998.
In Your Car
Car doors should remain locked whether the car is parked or in motion. All valuable items should be placed in the trunk or out of sight. In the event that you are stopped or approached by someone unfamiliar on campus grounds, do not get out of your vehicle. Park in well-lit areas and always approach the car with your key in hand. If the lights in a parking area are not functioning, please report it to Campus Safety at 404-504-1998.
On Foot
Remain in groups of two or more and always walk in well lit, well populated, and pedestrian friendly areas. Stay alert and refrain from using distracting electronic devices or talking on the phone. Always inform your roommates and suitemates, as well as the campus safety gatehouse, of your departure and leave an expected time of return, destination, and phone number at which you and members of your party can be reached.
In All Situations
Never let strangers into your room or allow them access to your personal belongings such as your cell phone, purse, or wallet. Never reveal personal identification information. Always alert campus safety if someone strange is wandering on campus or in the event of any unsafe situation.
Local Law Enforcement
Oglethorpe University maintains close relationships with all local law agencies. Please feel free to contact Campus Safety if you are dealing with an issue and unsure whether or not additional law enforcement is needed.
With the click of a mouse, the OU Alert/Rave Mobile Safety Alert can instantly send texts, e-mails campus and auto-calls to all members of the campus community- students, faculty and staff- in the event of an emergency. Members of the campus are encouraged to enroll for the service as soon as possible but will be automatically enrolled in case they do not, it is important that everyone keep current contact information on file. Learn more about RAVE along with our emergency preparedness information.